Speed wound healing, post-surgical wounds and incisions

How Light Therapy is Helpful for Healing Your Pet's Wounds

The healing benefits of pet light therapy extend to a variety of conditions. One scenario where your dog or cat could benefit is post-surgery, when wounds and incisions are fresh, painful, and at risk of infection.

In the case of surface wounds, red light therapy is the most suitable, as the energy is easily absorbed by tissue that's rich in hemoglobin. With regards to deeper wounds, such as torn muscles, ligaments, and tendons, near-infrared light is more effective. This type of light is able to penetrate right into the deeper tissue layers. When it comes to your own pet's treatment, a combination of the two types of light may be appropriate.

How is Light an Effective Cat and Dog Wound Treatment?

The light and energy emitted from an LLLT device during veterinary laser therapy help the cells in the affected area to heal and actually speeds up the healing process, enabling your pet to get back to normal more quickly. The painful sensation your pet is feeling will be eased, as the cause of the pain is being treated.

What does Cat and Dog Laser Therapy Cost?

You could discuss the possibility of your pet having light therapy with a licensed practitioner. But appointments would be costly and time-consuming for you and also stressful for your pet if they're not accustomed to being handled by strangers.

Alternatively, you could invest in the PetThera cat and dog laser therapy machine. The device can be easily and conveniently used at home by you, so your pet feels secure and relaxed. It also saves you the repeated cost of appointments with a therapist. It delivers all the benefits of light therapy, speeding up the healing of your pet's wounds and thus eliminating your concerns about infection and your pet's quality of life.

Kristine Marzolf